Multimodal, safe and efficient

Gabelstapler belädt einen Waggon

Multimodal, safe and efficient

The Kuppenheim plant near Rastatt in southwest Germany has one of the world’s most modern car body presses. At the plant, premium automaker Mercedes-Benz manufactures pressed parts out of various types of steel and aluminium, which are then used for various purposes, including the production of compact vehicles. The logistics processes for these parts need to meet highly stringent quality requirements governing their storage, transshipment and transport.

 Multimodal, safe and efficient

The Kuppenheim plant near Rastatt in southwest Germany has one of the world’s most modern car body presses. At the plant, premium automaker Mercedes-Benz manufactures pressed parts out of various types of steel and aluminium, which are then used for various purposes, including the production of compact vehicles. The logistics processes for these parts need to meet highly stringent quality requirements governing their storage, transshipment and transport.