Automotive Logistics Centre – All-Round Logistics for Components
With a transhipment terminal and a trailer yard we supply a neighbouring automotive plant in Bremen.
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The Automotive Logistics Centre in Bremen supports the environmentally friendly, rail-based material supply of the neighbouring automobile plant via a transhipment terminal and saves the time-consuming onward carriage through Bremen city centre. High-voltage batteries for hybrid vehicles and all-electric cars are just some of the components that are delivered by rail.

Trailers on demand
A trailer yard is available for the delivery of car parts from various suppliers. Using a fleet of largely electric tractors, we take the loaded trailers to the plant and return the empty ones after unloading. This enables just-in-time and just-in-sequence deliveries.

Further logistics centres
We also operate a logistics center in Győr (Hungary) specifically for the weather-protected handling of car batteries onto environmentally friendly rail. Additionally, we continuously evaluate other strategically-located sites for the construction of new logistics centers.

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