Faster travel to Asia

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Faster travel to Asia

Conference call at DB Cargo Logistics Frieder Lange and Yingnan Yao, account managers for finished vehicles, are talking to their counterparts in China. Colleagues in Polandand and Russia are also in on the call. The discussions are conducted in English, but sometimes Lange and his colleagues switch to German, a language many DB Group employees are familiar with. When matters become complex, Russian and Polish interpreters step in.

 Faster travel to Asia

Conference call at DB Cargo Logistics Frieder Lange and Yingnan Yao, account managers for finished vehicles, are talking to their counterparts in China. Colleagues in Polandand and Russia are also in on the call. The discussions are conducted in English, but sometimes Lange and his colleagues switch to German, a language many DB Group employees are familiar with. When matters become complex, Russian and Polish interpreters step in.